Advanced Life Support

The Advanced Life Support is the most advanced form of emergency medical transport, the ALS is equipped with a range of ICU facilities such as a ventilator, defibrillator, portable suction pump, BP monitor and all essential vital monitoring tools. The ALS is typically a large vehicle outfitted with the most advanced life saving equipment and is accompanied by a trained driver and certified paramedic along with an on-call doctor in certain cases.
The Advanced Life Support ambulance is best suited for critical life threatening emergencies and long distance journeys where constant medical supervision is required. The ALS can be used for specific emergency cases such as cardiac and NICU cases.
With the advent of technology, the ALS ambulances are now being equipped with 5G technology to provide constant monitoring of critical patients through teleconsultation and real time monitoring of vital parameters.
There are unfortunately a limited number of ALS ambulances in comparison to the other types of ambulances, thus it becomes essential to utilize these ambulances efficiently in order to save as many lives as possible.
Possible patient conditions suited for ALS Ambulances:
- Patients suffering from life-threatening conditions such as cardiac arrests or strokes
- Patients advised constant monitoring of vitals and requiring life-saving medical interventions over long distances
- Patients needing ventilator or IV support in cases of respiratory failure.
Patient Transport Vehicle
Basic Life Support
Advanced Life Support